Distant W. L., 1906
Distant W. L., 1907
Anaya Distant, 1906 previous combination of Anaya Distant, 1906 |
Anaya Distant, 1906 |
Anaya spectra Distant, 1906 synonym of Anaya mesochlora (Walker, 1851) |
Anggira Distant, 1906 |
Anggira typica Distant, 1906 |
Anila Distant, 1906 |
Anila Distant, 1906 previous combination of Anila Distant, 1906 |
Anila fuliginosa Distant, 1906 |
Aphaena (Aphaena) apicata Distant, 1906 previous rank of Aphaena (Aphaena) aurantia var. apicata Distant, 1906 |
Aphaena (Aphaena) aurantia var. apicata Distant, 1906 |
Aphaena (Aphaena) burmanica (Distant, 1906) previous rank of Aphaena (Aphaena) submaculata burmanica Distant, 1906 |
Aphaena (Aphaena) consanguinea (Distant, 1906) previous rank of Aphaena (Aphaena) submaculata consanguinea (Distant, 1906) |
Aphaena (Aphaena) dissimilis Distant, 1906 |
Aphaena (Aphaena) relata (Distant, 1906) previous rank of Aphaena (Aphaena) submaculata relata (Distant, 1906) |
Aphaena (Aphaena) submaculata burmanica Distant, 1906 |
Aphaena (Aphaena) submaculata consanguinea (Distant, 1906) |
Aphaena (Aphaena) submaculata relata (Distant, 1906) synonym of Aphaena (Aphaena) submaculata consanguinea (Distant, 1906) |
Aphaena farinosa var. saundersii Distant, 1906 synonym of Aphaena farinosa (Weber, 1801) |
Atracis consanguinea (Distant, 1906) |
Atracis cretacea (Distant, 1906) |
Atracis himalayana (Distant, 1906) |
Atracis insularis (Distant, 1906) |
Atracis moelleri (Distant, 1906) |
Augila binghami Distant, 1906 previous combination of Augilodes binghami (Distant, 1906) |
Augilodes binghami (Distant, 1906) |
Avephora maculata (Distant, 1906) |
Barma Distant, 1906 synonym of Borysthenes Stål, 1866 |
Barma diversa (Distant, 1906) previous combination of Borysthenes diversa (Distant, 1906) |
Baruna Distant, 1906 synonym of Barunoides Distant, 1912 |
Baruna albosignata Distant, 1906 previous combination of Barunoides albosignata (Distant, 1906) |
Barunoides albosignata (Distant, 1906) |
Bisma Distant, 1906 |
Bisma greeni Distant, 1906 |
Bochara Distant, 1906 |
Bochara nebulosa Distant, 1906 synonym of Bochara parva (Kirby, 1891) |
Borysthenes diversa (Distant, 1906) |
Brahmaloka Distant, 1906 |
Brahmaloka Distant, 1906 previous combination of Brahmaloka Distant, 1906 |
Brahmaloka Distant, 1906 previous combination of Brahmaloka Distant, 1906 |
Brahmaloka Distant, 1906 previous combination of Brahmaloka Distant, 1906 |
Brahmaloka bowringi Distant, 1906 |
Brixia albomaculata Distant, 1906 |
Brixia flavomaculata Distant, 1906 |
Camma pennata Distant, 1906 previous combination of Diostrombus pennatus (Distant, 1906) |
Centromeria cephalica Distant, 1906 |
Centromeria simulata Distant, 1906 previous combination of Dictyomeria simulata (Distant, 1906) |
Ceryniini Distant, 1906 |
Chaturbuja Distant, 1906 |
Cixiopsis atkinsoni (Distant, 1906) |
Cromna andamanensis (Distant, 1906) |
Daksha Distant, 1906 |
Daksha Distant, 1906 previous combination of Daksha Distant, 1906 |
Daksha Distant, 1906 previous combination of Daksha Distant, 1906 |
Danavara Distant, 1906 |
Detya Distant, 1906 |
Detya Distant, 1906 previous combination of Detya Distant, 1906 |
Detya fusconebulosa Distant, 1906 |
Devadanda Distant, 1906 synonym of Kaha Kirkaldy, 1906 |
Devadanda pectinata Distant, 1906 previous combination of Kaha pectinata (Distant, 1906) |
Devagama Distant, 1906 previous combination of Devagama Distant, 1906 |
Devagama Distant, 1906 previous combination of Devagama Distant, 1906 |
Devagama Distant, 1906 previous combination of Devagama Distant, 1906 |
Devagama Distant, 1906 |
Devagama rana Distant, 1906 |
Devagama venosa Distant, 1906 previous combination of Samantiga venosa (Distant, 1906) |
Dictyomeria simulata (Distant, 1906) |
Dictyophara nilgiriensis Distant, 1906 |
Dictyopharina consanguinea Distant, 1906 |
Diostrombus pennatus (Distant, 1906) |
Drona Distant, 1906 synonym of Diostrombus Uhler, 1896 |
Eodryas melichari (Distant, 1906) |
Epeurysa stigma (Distant, 1906) |
Epora melichari Distant, 1906 previous combination of Eodryas melichari (Distant, 1906) |
Euphria apicata Distant, 1906 previous combination of Aphaena (Aphaena) apicata Distant, 1906 |
Euphria burmanica Distant, 1906 previous combination of Aphaena (Aphaena) burmanica (Distant, 1906) |
Euphria consanguinea Distant, 1906 previous combination of Aphaena (Aphaena) consanguinea (Distant, 1906) |
Euphria dissimilis Distant, 1906 previous combination of Aphaena (Aphaena) dissimilis Distant, 1906 |
Euphria relata Distant, 1906 synonym of Aphaena (Aphaena) relata (Distant, 1906) |
Eurybrachys manifesta Distant, 1906 |
Flatida marginella var.___ (Distant, 1906) |
Flavina curculioides (Distant, 1906) |
Flavina striata Distant, 1906 |
Fulgora rogersi Distant, 1906 previous combination of Pyrops rogersi (Distant, 1906) |
Fulgora rogersi Distant, 1906 previous combination of Laternaria rogersi (Distant, 1906) |
Gaja Distant, 1906 |
Gaja definitiva Distant, 1906 synonym of Gaja inconspicua (Kirby, 1891) |
Gaja facialis Distant, 1906 synonym of Gaja inconspicua (Kirby, 1891) |
Gergithus elongatus (Distant, 1906) |
Gergithus elongatus (Distant, 1906) previous name of Gergithus (Gergithus) elongatus (Distant, 1906) |
Gergithus (Gergithus) elongatus (Distant, 1906) previous name of Gergithus elongatus (Distant, 1906) |
Gergithus (Gergithus) nilgiriensis (Distant, 1906) previous name of Gergithus nilgiriensis (Distant, 1906) |
Gergithus (Gergithus) reticulatus (Distant, 1906) previous name of Gergithus reticulatus (Distant, 1906) |
Gergithus (Gergithus) venosus (Distant, 1906) previous name of Gergithus venosus (Distant, 1906) |
Gergithus nilgiriensis (Distant, 1906) |
Gergithus nilgiriensis (Distant, 1906) previous name of Gergithus (Gergithus) nilgiriensis (Distant, 1906) |
Gergithus reticulatus (Distant, 1906) previous name of Gergithus (Gergithus) reticulatus (Distant, 1906) |
Gergithus reticulatus (Distant, 1906) |
Gergithus venosus (Distant, 1906) previous name of Gergithus (Gergithus) venosus (Distant, 1906) |
Gergithus venosus (Distant, 1906) |
Givaka Distant, 1906 previous combination of Givaka Distant, 1906 |
Givaka Distant, 1906 previous combination of Givaka Distant, 1906 |
Givaka Distant, 1906 previous combination of Givaka Distant, 1906 |
Givaka Distant, 1906 previous combination of Givaka Distant, 1906 |
Givaka Distant, 1906 |
Givaka hampsoni Distant, 1906 |
Gomeda Distant, 1906 |
Hemisphaerius elongatus Distant, 1906 previous combination of Gergithus elongatus (Distant, 1906) |
Hemisphaerius nilgiriensis Distant, 1906 previous combination of Gergithus nilgiriensis (Distant, 1906) |
Hemisphaerius reticulatus Distant, 1906 previous combination of Gergithus reticulatus (Distant, 1906) |
Hemisphaerius testaceus Distant, 1906 |
Hemisphaerius testaceus Distant, 1906 synonym of Hemisphaerius rufovarius Walker, 1858 |
Hemisphaerius venosus Distant, 1906 previous combination of Gergithus venosus (Distant, 1906) |
Hemisphaerius virescens Distant, 1906 synonym of Hemisphaerius rufovarius Walker, 1858 |
Hilavrita Distant, 1906 previous combination of Hilavrita Distant, 1906 |
Hilavrita Distant, 1906 |
Hilavrita trimaculata Distant, 1906 synonym of Hilavrita fatua (Melichar, 1903) |
Hiracia karenia (Distant, 1906) |
Indolipa fusconebulosus (Distant, 1906) |
Jada Distant, 1906 synonym of Helcita Stål, 1856 |
Jagannata Distant, 1906 previous combination of Jagannata Distant, 1906 |
Jagannata Distant, 1906 previous combination of Jagannata Distant, 1906 |
Jagannata Distant, 1906 previous combination of Jagannata Distant, 1906 |
Jagannata Distant, 1906 |
Jagannata chelonia Distant, 1906 |
Jagannata maculata Distant, 1906 |
Jivatma Distant, 1906 previous combination of Jivatma Distant, 1906 |
Jivatma Distant, 1906 synonym of Menosca Stål, 1870 |
Jivatma Distant, 1906 |
Jivatma metallica Distant, 1906 |
Jivatma metallica Distant, 1906 previous combination of Menosca metallica (Distant, 1906) |
Kaha pectinata (Distant, 1906) |
Kalpa Distant, 1906 synonym of Nilaparvata Distant, 1906 |
Kalpa aculeata Distant, 1906 synonym of Delphacodes sordescens (De Motschulsky, 1863) |
Kamendaka Distant, 1906 |
Kamendaka Distant, 1906 previous combination of Kamendaka Distant, 1906 |
Kamendaka fuscofasciata Distant, 1906 |
Kamendaka (Kamendaka) Distant, 1906 |
Kamendaka spectra Distant, 1906 |
Karna Distant, 1906 synonym of Hiracia Walker, 1857 |
Karna Distant, 1906 previous combination of Karna Distant, 1906 |
Karna Distant, 1906 previous combination of Karna Distant, 1906 |
Karna karenia Distant, 1906 previous combination of Hiracia karenia (Distant, 1906) |
Ketumala Distant, 1906 previous combination of Ketumala Distant, 1906 |
Ketumala Distant, 1906 |
Kinnara Distant, 1906 |
Kinnara albiplaga Distant, 1906 previous combination of Suva albiplaga (Distant, 1906) |
Kirbyana Distant, 1906 previous combination of Kirbyana Distant, 1906 |
Kirbyana Distant, 1906 |
Kodaianella bipartita (Distant, 1906) |
Kosalya Distant, 1906 previous combination of Kosalya Distant, 1906 |
Kosalya Distant, 1906 |
Kosalya flavostrigata Distant, 1906 |
Kusuma Distant, 1906 previous combination of Kusuma Distant, 1906 |
Kusuma Distant, 1906 previous combination of Kusuma Distant, 1906 |
Kusuma Distant, 1906 synonym of Numicia Stål, 1866 |
Kusuma carinata Distant, 1906 synonym of Tambinia maculosa Distant, 1906 |
Kuvera Distant, 1906 previous combination of Kuvera Distant, 1906 |
Kuvera Distant, 1906 |
Kuvera semihyalina Distant, 1906 |
Laternariini Distant, 1906 |
Lawana Distant, 1906 |
Lawana Distant, 1906 previous combination of Lawana Distant, 1906 |
Lawana bicarinata Distant, 1906 synonym of Neosalurnis gracilis (Melichar, 1902) |
Lawana radiata (Distant, 1906) |
Liburnia coloratus Distant, 1906 synonym of Delphacodes colorata (De Motschulsky, 1863) |
Liburnia dohertyi (Distant, 1906) |
Magadha Distant, 1906 previous combination of Magadha Distant, 1906 |
Magadha Distant, 1906 |
Magadha nebulosa Distant, 1906 |
Melandeva Distant, 1906 previous combination of Melandeva Distant, 1906 |
Melandeva Distant, 1906 |
Melandeva ocellata Distant, 1906 |
Menosca metallica (Distant, 1906) previous combination of Jivatma metallica Distant, 1906 |
Messena pulverosa Distant, 1906 synonym of Messena distanti Schmidt, 1919 |
Miasa Distant, 1906 previous combination of Miasa Distant, 1906 |
Miasa Distant, 1906 |
Mnemosyne punctipennis (Distant, 1906) |
Mundopa Distant, 1906 |
Mundopa Distant, 1906 previous combination of Mundopa Distant, 1906 |
Mundopa cingalensis Distant, 1906 |
Mundopa dohertyi Distant, 1906 |
Mundopa fasciata Distant, 1906 |
Mundopa greeni Distant, 1906 |
Mundopa myittae Distant, 1906 |
Nakta Distant, 1906 |
Nakta stoliczkana Distant, 1906 synonym of Unnata intracta (Walker, 1858) |
Narayana Distant, 1906 |
Narayana Distant, 1906 previous combination of Narayana Distant, 1906 |
Narayana Distant, 1906 previous combination of Narayana Distant, 1906 |
Narayana Distant, 1906 previous combination of Narayana Distant, 1906 |
Narayana piceipennis Distant, 1906 |
Narayana rusticitatis Distant, 1906 |
Narayana testudo (Distant, 1906) |
Narayana umbrosa Distant, 1906 |
Nephesina Distant, 1906 |
Nephesini Distant, 1906 |
Nesiana versicolor (Distant, 1906) |
Nesis versicolor Distant, 1906 previous combination of Nesiana versicolor (Distant, 1906) |
Nilalohita Distant, 1906 synonym of Flavina Stål, 1861 |
Nilalohita curculioides Distant, 1906 previous combination of Flavina curculioides (Distant, 1906) |
Nilaparvata Distant, 1906 |
Nilaparvata greeni Distant, 1906 synonym of Delphacodes sordescens (De Motschulsky, 1863) |
Nisia albovenosa Distant, 1906 |
Numicia maculosa (Distant, 1906) |
Oliarus albifacialis Distant, 1906 |
Oliarus fusconebulosus (Distant, 1906) previous combination of Indolipa fusconebulosus (Distant, 1906) |
Oliarus punctipennis Distant, 1906 previous combination of Mnemosyne punctipennis (Distant, 1906) |
Padanda Distant, 1906 previous combination of Padanda Distant, 1906 |
Padanda Distant, 1906 |
Padanda Distant, 1906 previous combination of Padanda Distant, 1906 |
Padanda Distant, 1906 previous combination of Padanda Distant, 1906 |
Padanda Distant, 1906 previous combination of Padanda Distant, 1906 |
Padanda Distant, 1906 previous combination of Padanda Distant, 1906 |
Padanda Distant, 1906 synonym of Cixiopsis Matsumura, 1900 |
Padanda Distant, 1906 previous combination of Padanda Distant, 1906 |
Padanda atkinsoni Distant, 1906 previous combination of Cixiopsis atkinsoni (Distant, 1906) |
Padanda atkinsoni Distant, 1906 synonym of Cixiopsis punctatus Matsumura, 1900 |
Pamendanga Distant, 1906 previous combination of Pamendanga Distant, 1906 |
Pamendanga Distant, 1906 |
Pamendanga rubilinea Distant, 1906 |
Pamendanga superba (Distant, 1906) |
Phenice superba Distant, 1906 previous combination of Pamendanga superba (Distant, 1906) |
Phromnia marginella var.___ Distant, 1906 previous combination of Flatida marginella var.___ (Distant, 1906) |
Phromnia viridula Distant, 1906 previous combination of Flatida viridula (Atkinson, 1889) |
Phromniini Distant, 1906 |
Phyllyphanta andamanensis Distant, 1906 previous combination of Cromna andamanensis (Distant, 1906) |
Pisacha Distant, 1906 previous combination of Pisacha Distant, 1906 |
Pisacha Distant, 1906 |
Pisacha naga Distant, 1906 |
Pitambara Distant, 1906 |
Pitambara interrupta Distant, 1906 |
Pitambara sinuata Distant, 1906 |
Pitambara undulata Distant, 1906 |
Pochazia atkinsoni Distant, 1906 |
Pochazia confusa Distant, 1906 |
Pochazia triangularis Distant, 1906 |
Polydictya negrito Distant, 1906 |
Privesa confinis Distant, 1906 previous combination of Scolypopa confinis (Distant, 1906) |
Pterilia piceata Distant, 1906 |
Pterilia signata Distant, 1906 |
Pulaha Distant, 1906 previous combination of Pulaha Distant, 1906 |
Pulaha Distant, 1906 |
Pulaha Distant, 1906 previous combination of Pulaha Distant, 1906 |
Pulaha contracta Distant, 1906 |
Pulastya Distant, 1906 previous combination of Pulastya Distant, 1906 |
Pulastya Distant, 1906 |
Pundaluoya simplicia Distant, 1906 synonym of Peregrinus maidis (Ashmead, 1890) |
Purohita Distant, 1906 |
Purohita cervina Distant, 1906 |
Purusha Distant, 1906 |
Putala maculata Distant, 1906 previous combination of Avephora maculata (Distant, 1906) |
Pyrops chennelli Distant, 1906 previous combination of Zanna chennelli (Distant, 1906) |
Pyrops rogersi (Distant, 1906) |
Rhotana fuscofasciata Distant, 1906 |
Rhotana trimaculata Distant, 1906 |
Rhotana venosa Distant, 1906 |
Ricania bicolorata Distant, 1906 |
Ricania mitescens Distant, 1906 |
Ricania zebra Distant, 1906 |
Ricanoptera opaca Distant, 1906 |
Saiva Distant, 1906 |
Saiva nodata Distant, 1906 |
Salurnis uniformis Distant, 1906 synonym of Salurnis bipunctata (Walker, 1862) |
Samantiga Distant, 1906 previous combination of Samantiga Distant, 1906 |
Samantiga Distant, 1906 |
Samantiga Distant, 1906 previous combination of Samantiga Distant, 1906 |
Samantiga Distant, 1906 previous combination of Samantiga Distant, 1906 |
Samantiga abdominalis Distant, 1906 |
Samantiga venosa (Distant, 1906) |
Sarima cretata Distant, 1906 |
Satapa Distant, 1906 previous combination of Satapa Distant, 1906 |
Satapa Distant, 1906 |
Satapa Distant, 1906 previous combination of Satapa Distant, 1906 |
Satapa granulosa Distant, 1906 synonym of Satapa ferruginea (Walker, 1851) |
Satapa sicula Distant, 1906 |
Scarpantina bimaculata Distant, 1906 synonym of Scarpantina modesta Distant, 1906 |
Scarpantina modesta Distant, 1906 previous combination of Scarpuna modesta (Distant, 1906) |
Scarpuna modesta (Distant, 1906) |
Scolypopa confinis (Distant, 1906) |
Selizini Distant, 1906 |
Sivaloka Distant, 1906 |
Sivaloka Distant, 1906 previous combination of Sivaloka Distant, 1906 |
Sivaloka Distant, 1906 previous combination of Sivaloka Distant, 1906 |
Sivaloka bipartita Distant, 1906 previous combination of Kodaianella bipartita (Distant, 1906) |
Sivaloka limacodes Distant, 1906 |
Smara Distant, 1906 synonym of Tropidocephala Stål, 1853 |
Smara atrata Distant, 1906 previous combination of Tropidocephala atrata (Distant, 1906) |
Smara festiva Distant, 1906 previous combination of Tropidocephala festiva (Distant, 1906) |
Sogata Distant, 1906 |
Sogata dohertyi Distant, 1906 |
Sudasina Distant, 1906 synonym of Narayana Distant, 1906 |
Sudasina testudo Distant, 1906 previous combination of Narayana testudo (Distant, 1906) |
Suva albiplaga (Distant, 1906) |
Tambinia atrosignata Distant, 1906 |
Tambinia capitata Distant, 1906 |
Tambinia inconspicua Distant, 1906 |
Tambinia maculosa Distant, 1906 previous combination of Numicia maculosa (Distant, 1906) |
Tatva Distant, 1906 previous combination of Tatva Distant, 1906 |
Tatva Distant, 1906 previous combination of Tatva Distant, 1906 |
Tatva Distant, 1906 previous combination of Tatva Distant, 1906 |
Tatva Distant, 1906 |
Tatva Distant, 1906 previous combination of Tatva Distant, 1906 |
Tatva bufo Distant, 1906 |
Tejasa Distant, 1906 |
Tejasa umbrata Distant, 1906 |
Tetrica bifasciata Distant, 1906 |
Tetrica viridimixta Distant, 1906 |
Toya Distant, 1906 |
Toya attenuata Distant, 1906 |
Tropidocephala atrata (Distant, 1906) |
Tropidocephala festiva (Distant, 1906) |
Unnata Distant, 1906 |
Upachara Distant, 1906 synonym of Epeurysa Matsumura, 1900 |
Upachara stigma Distant, 1906 previous combination of Epeurysa stigma (Distant, 1906) |
Usana Distant, 1906 previous combination of Usana Distant, 1906 |
Usana Distant, 1906 |
Usana lineolalis Distant, 1906 |
Varcia kandyiana Distant, 1906 |
Varma Distant, 1906 |
Varma tridens Distant, 1906 |
Vinata nivosa Distant, 1906 |
Vishnuloka Distant, 1906 previous combination of Vishnuloka Distant, 1906 |
Vishnuloka Distant, 1906 previous combination of Vishnuloka Distant, 1906 |
Vishnuloka Distant, 1906 previous combination of Vishnuloka Distant, 1906 |
Vishnuloka Distant, 1906 |
Vishnuloka Distant, 1906 previous combination of Vishnuloka Distant, 1906 |
Vishnuloka cuneata Distant, 1906 synonym of Vishnuloka prominula Distant, 1906 |
Vishnuloka prominula Distant, 1906 |
Vivaha Distant, 1906 |
Vivaha Distant, 1906 previous combination of Vivaha Distant, 1906 |
Vivaha facialis Distant, 1906 |
Zanna chennelli (Distant, 1906) |
Zoraida ficta Distant, 1906 |
Zoraida gilva Distant, 1914 previous combination of Zoraida (Neozoraida) gilva (Distant, 1914) |
Zoraida motschoulskyi Distant, 1906 previous combination of Zoraida (Neozoraida) motschoulskyi (Distant, 1906) |
Zoraida (Neozoraida) gilva (Distant, 1914) |
Zoraida (Neozoraida) motschoulskyi (Distant, 1906) |
Zoraida rufivena Distant, 1906 |
Kalidasa albiflos (Walker, 1851) new combination of Aphaena albiflos Walker, 1851 |
Kalidasa dives (Walker, 1851) new combination of Aphaena dives Walker, 1851 |
Polydictya uniformis (Walker, 1857) new combination of Aphaena uniformis Walker, 1857 |
Oliarus caudatus (Walker, 1858) new combination of Cixius caudata Walker, 1858 |
Flata ferrugata Fabricius, 1803 new combination of Cryptoflata ferrugata (Fabricius, 1803) |
Flata ocellata Fabricius, 1775 new combination of Cryptoflata ocellata (Fabricius, 1775) |
Tonga westwoodi (Signoret, 1862) new combination of Cyrene westwoodi Signoret, 1862 |
Aluntia ramosa (Melichar, 1903) new combination of Dendrophora ramosa Melichar, 1903 |
Zoraida pterophoroides (Westwood, 1851) new combination of Derbe pterophoroides Westwood, 1851 |
Dichoptera Spinola, 1839 transferred from Fulgoridae to Fulgoridae |
Truncatomeria viridistigma (Kirby, 1891) new combination of Dictyophara viridistigma Kirby, 1891 |
Pitambara radians (Kirby, 1891) new combination of Elasmoscelis radians Kirby, 1891 |
Atracis perplexa (Walker, 1858) new combination of Elidiptera perplexa Walker, 1858 |
Vinata nigricornis (Stål, 1858) new combination of Erana nigricornis Stål, 1858 |
Vinata operosa (Walker, 1857) new combination of Erana operosa Walker, 1857 |
Eurybrachydinae Stål, 1862 new combination of Eurybrachydida Stål, 1862 |
Messena punctifera (Walker, 1851) new combination of Eurybrachys punctifera Walker, 1851 |
Ricania nivisignata Walker, 1862 new combination of Flatoides nivisignata Walker, 1862 |
Saiva bullata (Distant, 1891) new combination of Fulgora bullata Distant, 1891 |
Saiva cardinalis (Butler, 1874) new combination of Fulgora cardinalis Butler, 1874 |
Saiva gemmata (Westwood, 1848) new combination of Fulgora gemmata Westwood, 1848 |
Saiva guttulata (Westwood, 1842) new combination of Fulgora guttulata Westwood, 1842 |
Rhotana vitriceps (Stål, 1858) new combination of Genestia vitriceps Stål, 1858 |
Miasa smaragdilinea (Walker, 1857) new combination of Helicoptera smaragdilinea (Walker, 1857) |
Saiva coccinea (Walker, 1858) new combination of Hotinus coccineus Walker, 1858 |
Saiva insularis (Kirby, 1891) new combination of Hotinus insularis Kirby, 1891 |
Narayana sellata (Melichar, 1903) new combination of Hysteropterum sellatum Melichar, 1903 |
Nilalohita lineata (Walker, 1857) new combination of Issus lineatus Walker, 1857 |
Kirbyana pagana (Melichar, 1903) new combination of Kirbya pagana Melichar, 1903 |
Lophopinae Stål, 1866 new combination of Lophopidae Stål, 1866 |
Purusha reversa (Hope, 1843) new combination of Messena reversa (Hope, 1843) |
Zamila aberrans Kirby, 1891 new combination of Microchoria aberrans Kirby, 1891 |
Udugama splendens (Germar, 1830) new combination of Orthopagus splendens (Germar, 1830) |
Kalidasa nigromaculata (Gray, 1832) new combination of Phoronis nigromaculata (Gray, 1832) |
Kalidasa paulinia (Signoret, 1862) new combination of Phoronis paulinia (Signoret, 1862) |
Kinnara ceylonica (Melichar, 1903) new combination of Plemora ceylonica Melichar, 1903 |
Kinnara fumata (Melichar, 1903) new combination of Pleroma fumata Melichar, 1903 |
Zamila perpusilla Walker, 1851 new combination of Pyrops perpusilla Walker, 1851 |
Varcia hemerobii (Walker, 1851) new combination of Sassula hemerobii (Walker, 1851) |
Varcia similata (Melichar, 1903) new combination of Sassula similata Melichar, 1903 |
Ketumala bisecta (Kirby, 1891) new combination of Seliza bisecta Kirby, 1891 |
Vekunta punctula (Melichar, 1903) new combination of Temesa punctula Melichar, 1903 |
Vekunta tenella (Melichar, 1903) new combination of Temesa tenella Melichar, 1903 |
Thessitus insignis (Westwood, 1842) new combination of Thessita insignis Westwood, 1842 |
Zoraida ceylonica (Kirby, 1891) new combination of Thracia ceylonica Kirby, 1891 |
Zoraida cumulata (Walker, 1870) new combination of Thracia cumulata Walker, 1870 |
Zoraida egregia (Melichar, 1903) new combination of Thracia egregia Melichar, 1903 |
Zoraida lankana (Kirby, 1891) new combination of Thracia lankana Kirby, 1891 |