Cvrkovic T., Mitrovic M., Jovic J., Krnjajic S, Krstic O. & Tosevski I, 2010
Da Fonseca J. P., 1926
Da Costa Lima A. M. 1935 - Catalogo das especies americanas de Laternaridae (Homoptera : Fulgoroidea). Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Rio de Janeiro 30: 481-517. |
Acmonia punicea (Gerstaecker, 1860) synonym of Poiocera ficta Walker, 1858 |
Atalanta auricoma (Burmeister, 1835) synonym of Cerogenes auricoma (Burmeister, 1835) |
Calyptoproctus heteroscelis Spinola, 1839 synonym of Curetia tibialis (Germar, 1830) |
Lystra constellata Guérin-Méneville, 1856 synonym of Jamaicastes basistella (Walker, 1851) |
Lystra cruenta Burmeister, 1838 synonym of Florichisme venosa (Germar, 1830) |
Lystra flavopunctata Perty, 1833 synonym of Scaralis picta (Germar, 1830) |
Poeocera rubriceps Stål, 1855 synonym of Acmonia dichroa (Germar, 1830) |
Poeocera semipellucida Stål, 1855 synonym of Curetia tibialis (Germar, 1830) |
Poiocera cribrata Gerstaecker, 1860 synonym of Poiocera venosa Walker, 1851 |
Poiocera monacha Gerstaecker, 1860 synonym of Aliphera luctuosa (Spinola, 1839) |
Scaralis maculosa Stål, 1863 synonym of Scaralis semilimpida (Walker, 1851) |
Cerogenes aerata (Distant, 1887) new combination of Atalanta aerata Distant, 1887 |
Cerogenes violacea (Distant, 1887) new combination of Atalanta violacea Distant, 1887 |
Copidocephala ornanda (Distant, 1887) new combination of Coanaco ornanda Distant, 1887 |
Poiocera sicca Walker, 1851 new combination of Druentia sicca (Walker, 1851) |
Enhydria brachialis (Stål, 1862) new combination of Enchophora brachialis Stål, 1862 |
Echetra obtusiceps (Stål, 1859) new combination of Enchophora obtusiceps Stål, 1859 |
Oeagra lugubris (Perty, 1833) new combination of Lystra lugubris Perty, 1833 |
Scaralis picta (Germar, 1830) new combination of Lystra picta Germar, 1830 |
Curetia tibialis (Germar, 1830) new combination of Lystra tibialis Germar, 1830 |
Poblicia atomaria (Walker, 1858) new combination of Poiocera atomaria Walker, 1858 |
Jamaicastes basistella (Walker, 1851) new combination of Poiocera basistella Walker, 1851 |
Hypaepa rufifascia (Walker, 1851) new combination of Poiocera rufifascia Walker, 1851 |
Scaralis semilimpida (Walker, 1851) new combination of Poiocera semilimpida Walker, 1851 |
Poblicia tricolor (Gerstaecker, 1860) new combination of Poiocera tricolor Gerstaecker, 1860 |
Echetra nebulosa (Stål, 1863) new combination of Rhonichia nebulosa Stål, 1863 |
Artacie hoemoptera (Perty, 1833) wrong spelling of Artacie haemoptera (Perty, 1833) |
Cyrpoptus metacalfi Ball, 1933 wrong spelling of Cyrpoptus metcalfi Ball, 1933 |
Hypaepa zopotensis Distant, 1887 wrong spelling of Hypaepa zapotensis Distant, 1887 |
Poblicia missela Stål, 1863 wrong spelling of Poblicia misella (Stål, 1863) |
Poiocera coralina Gerstaecker, 1860 wrong spelling of Poiocera corallina Gerstaecker, 1860 |