Alcestini Melichar, 1914 previous combination of Alcestini Melichar, 1914 |
Alcestini Melichar, 1914 |
Alcestis fulgurans Melichar, 1914 previous combination of Alphesiboea fulgurans (Melichar, 1914) |
Alcestis granulata Melichar, 1914 previous combination of Alphesiboea granulata (Melichar, 1914) |
Alcestis mendosa Melichar, 1914 previous combination of Alphesiboea mendosa (Melichar, 1914) |
Alcestis solitaria Melichar, 1914 previous combination of Alphesiboea solitaria (Melichar, 1914) |
Alcestis surinamensis Melichar, 1914 synonym of Alphesiboea melichari Schmidt, 1932 |
Alphesiboea fulgurans (Melichar, 1914) |
Alphesiboea granulata (Melichar, 1914) |
Alphesiboea mendosa (Melichar, 1914) |
Alphesiboea solitaria (Melichar, 1914) |
Amapala Melichar, 1914 |
Amapala ornata Melichar, 1914 |
Amapala temulenta Melichar, 1914 |
Anepora Melichar, 1914 synonym of Mesepora Matsumura, 1914 |
Athestia Melichar, 1914 |
Athestia elongata Melichar, 1914 |
Barunoides albosignata var. fusca Melichar, 1914 |
Catulliini Melichar, 1914 previous combination of Catulliini Melichar, 1914 |
Catulliini Melichar, 1914 |
Chiotasa Melichar, 1914 synonym of Rhotala Walker, 1857 |
Chiotasa Melichar, 1914 previous combination of Chiotasa Melichar, 1914 |
Chiotasa maculata Melichar, 1914 previous combination of Rhotala maculata (Melichar, 1914) |
Daradax nasutus Melichar, 1914 |
Diagrynia Melichar, 1914 previous combination of Diagrynia Melichar, 1914 |
Diagrynia Melichar, 1914 |
Eporiella Melichar, 1914 |
Eporiella ceylonica Melichar, 1914 |
Garumna Melichar, 1914 |
Garumna lepida Melichar, 1914 |
Haliartus Melichar, 1914 |
Haliartus Melichar, 1914 previous combination of Haliartus Melichar, 1914 |
Haliartus Melichar, 1914 previous combination of Haliartus Melichar, 1914 |
Haliartus viridescens Melichar, 1914 |
Hebrotasa Melichar, 1914 previous combination of Hebrotasa Melichar, 1914 |
Hebrotasa Melichar, 1914 |
Hebrotasa Melichar, 1914 previous combination of Hebrotasa Melichar, 1914 |
Hebrotasa elongata Melichar, 1914 |
Hiraciini Melichar, 1914 previous combination of Hiraciini Melichar, 1914 |
Hiraciini Melichar, 1914 |
Hiraciini Melichar, 1914 previous combination of Hiraciini Melichar, 1914 |
Kallitaxila apicalis (Melichar, 1914) |
Kallitaxila cruenta (Melichar, 1914) |
Kallitaxila fulcrata (Melichar, 1914) |
Leptovanua Melichar, 1914 |
Leptovanua obiensis Melichar, 1914 |
Leptovanua pallida Melichar, 1914 |
Leptovanua suturalis Melichar, 1914 |
Mulucha Melichar, 1914 synonym of Tropiduchus Stål, 1854 |
Mulucha castigator Melichar, 1914 previous combination of Tropiduchus castigator (Melichar, 1914) |
Mulucha subfasciata Melichar, 1914 previous combination of Tropiduchus subfasciata (Melichar, 1914) |
Neotangia Melichar, 1914 |
Numicia culta Melichar, 1914 |
Numicia punctula Melichar, 1914 |
Oechalina Melichar, 1914 |
Oechalina stativa Melichar, 1914 |
Oechalina subacta Melichar, 1914 |
Parasthesa Melichar, 1914 synonym of Tropiduchodes Schmidt, 1910 |
Parasthesa oblonga Melichar, 1914 synonym of Tropiduchodes coleopteratus Schmidt, 1910 |
Paricanini Melichar, 1914 previous combination of Paricanini Melichar, 1914 |
Paricanini Melichar, 1914 |
Peggioga solitaria Melichar, 1914 |
Peggiogini Melichar, 1914 synonym of Tropiduchini Stål, 1866 |
Pseudoparicana Melichar, 1914 |
Pseudoparicana tepida Melichar, 1914 |
Rhotala maculata (Melichar, 1914) |
Sogana extrema Melichar, 1914 |
Sogana stimulata Melichar, 1914 |
Tambinia exoleta Melichar, 1914 |
Tambinia fasciculosa Melichar, 1914 |
Tambinia stupida Melichar, 1914 synonym of Tambinia venusta (Kirkaldy, 1906) |
Tangiina Melichar, 1914 previous combination of Tangiina Melichar, 1914 |
Tangiina Melichar, 1914 |
Tangiini Melichar, 1914 previous combination of Tangiini Melichar, 1914 |
Tangiini Melichar, 1914 previous rank of Tangiini Melichar, 1914 |
Tangiini Melichar, 1914 |
Tangiopsis schaumi Melichar, 1914 previous combination of Tangella schaumi (Stål, 1859) |
Taxilana Melichar, 1914 synonym of Kallitaxila Kirkaldy, 1901 |
Taxilana apicalis Melichar, 1914 previous combination of Kallitaxila apicalis (Melichar, 1914) |
Taxilana cruenta Melichar, 1914 previous combination of Kallitaxila cruenta (Melichar, 1914) |
Taxilana fulcrata Melichar, 1914 previous combination of Kallitaxila fulcrata (Melichar, 1914) |
Taxilana macaoana Melichar, 1914 previous combination of Kallitaxila macaoana (Muir, 1913) |
Thaumantia Melichar, 1914 |
Thaumantia celebensis Melichar, 1914 |
Thymbra Melichar, 1914 |
Thymbra latipennis Melichar, 1914 |
Tropiduchus castigator (Melichar, 1914) |
Tropiduchus fuscatus Melichar, 1914 |
Tropiduchus notatus Melichar, 1914 |
Tropiduchus obiensis Melichar, 1914 |
Tropiduchus philippinus Melichar, 1914 |
Tropiduchus subfasciata (Melichar, 1914) |
Vanua straminea Melichar, 1914 synonym of Thaumantia straminea (Distant, 1907) |
Varma distanti Melichar, 1914 |
Amfortas Kirkaldy, 1904 transferred from Tropiduchidae to Tropiduchidae |
Tropiduchus albicans (Walker, 1858) new combination of Cixius albicans Walker, 1858 |
Colgorma Kirkaldy, 1904 transferred from Tropiduchidae to Tropiduchidae |
Conchyoptera unicolor Signoret, 1860 new combination of Conchoptera unicolor Signoret, 1860 |
Conchyoptera Signoret, 1860 transferred from Tropiduchidae to Tropiduchidae |
Peggioga nigrifinis (Walker, 1870) new combination of Dictyophora nigrifinis Walker, 1870 |
Dolia Kirkaldy, 1907 transferred from Tropiduchidae to Tropiduchidae |
Eutropistes Schaum, 1853 transferred from to Tropiduchidae |
Amfortas vaginata (Stål, 1859) new combination of Gastrinia vaginata Stål, 1859 |
Grynia Stål, 1862 transferred from to Tropiduchidae |
Diagrynia africana (Jacobi, 1910) new combination of Grynia africana Jacobi, 1910 |
Hiracia Walker, 1857 transferred from to Tropiduchidae |
Amfortas lacerdae (Signoret, 1861) new combination of Hiracia lacerdae Signoret, 1861 |
Karna Distant, 1906 transferred from to Tropiduchidae |
Numicia insignis (Distant, 1910) new combination of Magama insignis Distant, 1910 |
Paricana boninensis (Matsumura, 1914) new combination of Mesepora boninensis Matsumura, 1914 |
Eodryas issiformis (Matsumura, 1914) new combination of Mesepora issiformis Matsumura, 1914 |
Ommatissus Fieber, 1875 transferred from Tropiduchidae to Tropiduchidae |
Pseudoparicana curvifera (Distant, 1907) new combination of Paricana curvifera Distant, 1907 |
Peggioga Kirkaldy, 1905 transferred from Fulgoridae to Tropiduchidae |
Remosa Distant, 1906 transferred from to Tropiduchidae |
Rhinodictya Kirkaldy, 1906 transferred from Tropiduchidae to Tropiduchidae |
Rhotala Walker, 1857 transferred from to Tropiduchidae |
Varma fervens (Walker, 1857) new combination of Serida fervens Walker, 1857 |
Stacota Stål, 1859 transferred from Fulgoridae to Tropiduchidae |
Stacota breviceps (Walker, 1858) new combination of Stacota breviceps Walker, 1858 |
Taxilana concolor Muir, 1913 new combination of Tambinia concolor Muir, 1913 |
Kallitaxila fuscocoriata (Muir, 1913) new combination of Tambinia fuscocoriata Muir, 1913 |
Taxilana laratica Muir, 1913 new combination of Tambinia laratica Muir, 1913 |
Taxilana terryi Muir, 1913 new combination of Tambinia terryi Muir, 1913 |
Neotangia angustata (Uhler, 1895) new combination of Tangia angustata Uhler, 1895 |
Haliartus centralis (Gerstaecker, 1895) new combination of Tropiduchus centralis Gerstaecker, 1895 |
Trichoduchus pilosus (Horváth, 1907) new combination of Trypetimorpha pilosa Horváth, 1907 |