Alphina Stål, 1863 |
Alphina nigrosignata Stål, 1863 |
Ancyra histrionica Stål, 1863 |
Aphana Stål, 1863 nomen praeoccupatum of Aphaenina Metcalf, 1947 |
Belbina Stål, 1863 |
Belbina falleni Stål, 1863 |
Caliscelis (Bambula) wallengreni (Stål, 1863) |
Caloscelis wallengreni Stål, 1863 previous combination of Caliscelis (Bambula) wallengreni (Stål, 1863) |
Chilobia Stål, 1863 |
Chilobia cinxia Stål, 1863 |
Chilobia silena Stål, 1863 synonym of Chilobia smaragdina (Walker, 1851) |
Chilobia silena Stål, 1863 |
Cynthila Stål, 1863 synonym of Prolepta Walker, 1851 |
Cynthila ferocula Stål, 1863 previous combination of Prolepta ferocula (Stål, 1863) |
Desudaba circe (Stål, 1863) |
Echetra nebulosa (Stål, 1863) |
Euphria Stål, 1863 synonym of Aphaena Guérin-Méneville, 1834 |
Eurybrachys venusta Stål, 1863 |
Hackerobrachys viridiventris (Stål, 1863) |
Japetus Stål, 1863 |
Learcha Stål, 1863 |
Learcha sponsa Stål, 1863 |
Limois Stål, 1863 previous combination of Limois Stål, 1863 |
Limois Stål, 1863 |
Lycorma Stål, 1863 |
Lycorma delicatula jole Stål, 1863 |
Lycorma jole Stål, 1863 previous rank of Lycorma delicatula jole Stål, 1863 |
Lyncilia Stål, 1863 synonym of Platybrachys Stål, 1859 |
Lyncilia nobilis Stål, 1863 previous combination of Platybrachys nobilis (Stål, 1863) |
Maeonia Stål, 1863 nomen praeoccupatum of Calmar Kirkaldy, 1901 |
Maeonia punctata Stål, 1863 synonym of Calmar punctata (Signoret, 1850) |
Messena nebulosa Stål, 1863 |
Metanira Stål, 1863 synonym of Desudaba Walker, 1858 |
Metanira circe Stål, 1863 previous combination of Desudaba circe (Stål, 1863) |
Metanira thisbe Stål, 1863 synonym of Desudaba psittacus Walker, 1858 |
Mycterodus longiceps Stål, 1863 synonym of Mycterodus immaculatus (Fabricius, 1794) |
Nesis sanguinipes Stål, 1863 synonym of Nesis tricolor (Walker, 1851) |
Oeagra Stål, 1863 |
Oeagra mystica Stål, 1863 |
Olonia nobilis (Stål, 1863) |
Olonia viridiventris Stål, 1863 previous combination of Hackerobrachys viridiventris (Stål, 1863) |
Ommatidiotus falleni Stål, 1863 synonym of Ommatidiotus dissimilis (Fallén, 1806) |
Ommatidiotus falléni Stål, 1863 |
Ommatidiotus inconspicuus Stål, 1863 |
Phoronis Stål, 1863 nomen praeoccupatum of Kalidasa Kirkaldy, 1900 |
Platybrachys aegrota Stål, 1863 |
Platybrachys lugubris Stål, 1863 |
Platybrachys nobilis (Stål, 1863) previous combination of Olonia nobilis (Stål, 1863) |
Platybrachys vidua Stål, 1863 |
Poblicia misella (Stål, 1863) |
Poeocera misella Stål, 1863 previous combination of Poblicia misella (Stål, 1863) |
Prolepta apicalis ferocula (Stål, 1863) previous rank of Prolepta ferocula (Stål, 1863) |
Prolepta ferocula (Stål, 1863) previous rank of Prolepta apicalis ferocula (Stål, 1863) |
Prolepta ferocula (Stål, 1863) |
Rhonichia Stål, 1863 synonym of Echetra Walker, 1858 |
Rhonichia nebulosa Stål, 1863 previous combination of Echetra nebulosa (Stål, 1863) |
Scamandra Stål, 1863 |
Scamandra hecuba Stål, 1863 |
Scamandra lachesis Stål, 1863 |
Scamandra semele Stål, 1863 |
Scaralis Stål, 1863 |
Scaralis maculosa Stål, 1863 synonym of Scaralis semilimpida (Walker, 1851) |
Scaralis nigronotata Stål, 1863 |
Scaralis puella Stål, 1863 |
Thessita Stål, 1863 synonym of Thessitus Walker, 1862 |
Thessita mortuifolia Stål, 1863 synonym of Thessitus mortifolia Walker, 1862 |
Thessita nigronotata Stål, 1863 previous combination of Thessitus nigronotatus (Stål, 1863) |
Thessitus nigronotatus (Stål, 1863) |
Euphria amabilis (Hope, 1843) new combination of Aphaena amabilis (Hope, 1843) |
Aphaena (Aphaena) aurantia (Hope, 1840) transferred from Fulgoridae to Fulgoridae |
Euphria aurora (Hope, 1843) new combination of Aphaena aurora (Hope, 1843) |
Penthicodes (Ereosoma) caja (Walker, 1851) new combination of Aphaena caja Walker, 1851 |
Lycorma delicatula (White, 1845) new combination of Aphaena delicatula White, 1845 |
Euphria discolor (Guérin-Méneville, 1834) new combination of Aphaena discolor Guérin-Méneville, 1834 |
Ulasia fuscata (Guérin-Méneville, 1838) new combination of Aphaena fuscata (Guérin-Méneville, 1838) |
Lycorma imperialis (White, 1846) new combination of Aphaena imperialis (White, 1846) |
Lycorma punicea (Hope, 1843) new combination of Aphaena punicea (Hope, 1843) |
Scamandra rosea (Guérin-Méneville, 1834) new combination of Aphaena rosea Guérin-Méneville, 1834 |
Phoronis sanguinalis (Westwood, 1851) new combination of Aphaena sanguinalis (Westwood, 1851) |
Euphria submaculata (Duncan, 1843) new combination of Aphaena submaculata (Duncan, 1843) |
Japetus tostus (Stål, 1859) new combination of Dilobura tostus Stål, 1859 |
Messena crudelis (Westwood, 1851) new combination of Eurybrachys crudelis Westwood, 1851 |
Platybrachys barbata (Fabricius, 1775) new combination of Lystra barbata Fabricius, 1775 |
Limois westwoodii (Hope, 1843) new combination of Lystra westwoodii Hope, 1843 |
Belbina servillei (Spinola, 1839) new combination of Phrictus servillei (Spinola, 1839) |
Cynthila apicalis (Westwood, 1838) new combination of Prolepta apicalis (Westwood, 1838) |