Acrisius arctus (Stål, 1854) |
Aphaena nigroirrorata Stål, 1854 synonym of Aphaena pulchella Guérin-Méneville, 1838 |
Aphana lanifera Stål, 1854 previous combination of Platybrachys lanifera (Stål, 1854) |
Aphana nigroirrorata Stål, 1854 previous combination of Aphaena nigroirrorata Stål, 1854 |
Aphana sanguinipes Stål, 1854 synonym of Nesiana tricolor (Walker, 1851) |
Arelate limbellata (Stål, 1854) |
Brixia bohemani (Stål, 1854) |
Calyptoproctus exsiccatus (Stål, 1854) |
Canyra obscuripennis (Stål, 1854) |
Canyra placida (Stål, 1854) |
Cemus granulinervis (Stål, 1854) |
Cerynia albata (Stål, 1854) |
Cibyra testudinaria (Stål, 1854) previous combination of Gelastyra testudinaria (Stål, 1854) |
Delphacodes seminigra (Stål, 1854) |
Delphax annulipes Stål, 1854 previous combination of Livatis annulipes (Stål, 1854) |
Delphax bohemani Stål, 1854 previous combination of Brixia bohemani (Stål, 1854) |
Delphax caliginea Stål, 1854 previous combination of Lamenia caliginea (Stål, 1854) |
Delphax concinna Stål, 1854 previous combination of Stobaera concinna (Stål, 1854) |
Delphax granulinervis Stål, 1854 previous combination of Phyllodinus granulinervis (Stål, 1854) |
Delphax obscuripennis Stål, 1854 previous combination of Canyra obscuripennis (Stål, 1854) |
Delphax placida Stål, 1854 previous combination of Canyra placida (Stål, 1854) |
Delphax pulchra Stål, 1854 synonym of Ilburnia ipomoeicola (Kirkaldy, 1907) |
Delphax seminigra Stål, 1854 synonym of Delphacodes seminigra (Stål, 1854) |
Elasmoscelis fuscofasciata Stål, 1854 previous combination of Lacusa fuscofasciata (Stål, 1854) |
Elasmoscelis tagalica Stål, 1854 previous combination of Pitambara tagalica (Stål, 1854) |
Enchophora bohemani Stål, 1854 |
Eupilis malaya (Stål, 1854) previous combination of Tempsa malaya (Stål, 1854) |
Flata albata Stål, 1854 previous combination of Cerynia albata (Stål, 1854) |
Flatoides mellerborgi Stål, 1854 previous combination of Ricanoptera mellerborgi (Stål, 1854) |
Fulgora clavata ponderosa (Stål, 1854) previous combination of Laternaria clavata var. ponderosa (Stål, 1854) |
Fulgora ponderosa (Stål, 1854) previous combination of Fulgora clavata ponderosa (Stål, 1854) |
Gelastyra testudinaria (Stål, 1854) previous combination of Thabena testudinaria (Stål, 1854) |
Hilda funesta (Stål, 1854) previous combination of Hilda (Hilda) funesta (Stål, 1854) |
Hilda (Hilda) funesta (Stål, 1854) previous combination of Nototettigometra (Nototettigometra) funesta (Stål, 1854) |
Hotinus ponderosus Stål, 1854 previous combination of Fulgora ponderosa (Stål, 1854) |
Hysteropterum arctum Stål, 1854 previous combination of Acrisius arctus (Stål, 1854) |
Hysteropterum vitripenne Stål, 1854 previous combination of Neaethus vitripennis (Stål, 1854) |
Issus cinctifrons Stål, 1854 |
Issus cinctifrons Stål, 1854 previous combination of Thionia cinctifrons (Stål, 1854) |
Issus cinctifrons Stål, 1854 synonym of Thionia rubrocostata (Spinola, 1839) |
Issus malayus Stål, 1854 previous combination of Eupilis malaya (Stål, 1854) |
Issus testudinarius Stål, 1854 previous combination of Gelastyra testudinaria (Stål, 1854) |
Isthmia funesta (Stål, 1854) previous combination of Hilda funesta (Stål, 1854) |
Lacusa fuscofasciata (Stål, 1854) |
Lamenia caliginea (Stål, 1854) |
Laternaria clavata var. ponderosa (Stål, 1854) synonym of Fulgora clavata Westwood, 1839 |
Livatis annulipes (Stål, 1854) previous combination of Ugyops annulipes (Stål, 1854) |
Lystra exsiccatus Stål, 1854 previous combination of Calyptoproctus exsiccatus (Stål, 1854) |
Neaethus vitripennis (Stål, 1854) |
Nototettigometra (Nototettigometra) funesta (Stål, 1854) |
Phlebopterum Stål, 1854 |
Phlebopterum praemorsum Stål, 1854 synonym of Phlebopterum solitum (Walker, 1851) |
Phyllodinus granulinervis (Stål, 1854) previous combination of Cemus granulinervis (Stål, 1854) |
Pitambara tagalica (Stål, 1854) |
Platybrachys lanifera (Stål, 1854) |
Poeciloptera cereris Stål, 1854 synonym of Cromna sinensis (Walker, 1851) |
Poeciloptera limbellata Stål, 1854 previous combination of Arelate limbellata (Stål, 1854) |
Poeciloptera vidua Stål, 1854 previous combination of Seliza vidua (Stål, 1854) |
Ricania malaya Stål, 1854 synonym of Ricania speculum (Walker, 1851) |
Ricania mellerborgi Stål, 1854 previous combination of Flatoides mellerborgi Stål, 1854 |
Ricania seria Stål, 1854 synonym of Privesa dubia (Walker, 1851) |
Ricanoptera mellerborgi (Stål, 1854) synonym of Ricanoptera fenestrata (Fabricius, 1803) |
Seliza vidua (Stål, 1854) |
Stobaera concinna (Stål, 1854) |
Tempsa malaya (Stål, 1854) |
Tettigometra funesta Stål, 1854 previous combination of Isthmia funesta (Stål, 1854) |
Thabena testudinaria (Stål, 1854) |
Thionia cinctifrons (Stål, 1854) synonym of Thionia longipennis (Spinola, 1839) |
Tropiduchus Stål, 1854 |
Tropiduchus sobrinus Stål, 1854 |
Ugyops annulipes (Stål, 1854) |