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Stål (1854)

Stål C. 1854 - Nya Hemiptera. Ofversigt af Kongliga Svenska Vetenskaps-Akademiens Förhandlingar. Stockholm 11: 231-255.
Original available names
Acrisius arctus (Stål, 1854)
Aphaena nigroirrorata Stål, 1854 synonym of Aphaena pulchella Guérin-Méneville, 1838
Aphana lanifera Stål, 1854 previous combination of Platybrachys lanifera (Stål, 1854)
Aphana nigroirrorata Stål, 1854 previous combination of Aphaena nigroirrorata Stål, 1854
Aphana sanguinipes Stål, 1854 synonym of Nesiana tricolor (Walker, 1851)
Arelate limbellata (Stål, 1854)
Brixia bohemani (Stål, 1854)
Calyptoproctus exsiccatus (Stål, 1854)
Canyra obscuripennis (Stål, 1854)
Canyra placida (Stål, 1854)
Cemus granulinervis (Stål, 1854)
Cerynia albata (Stål, 1854)
Cibyra testudinaria (Stål, 1854) previous combination of Gelastyra testudinaria (Stål, 1854)
Delphacodes seminigra (Stål, 1854)
Delphax annulipes Stål, 1854 previous combination of Livatis annulipes (Stål, 1854)
Delphax bohemani Stål, 1854 previous combination of Brixia bohemani (Stål, 1854)
Delphax caliginea Stål, 1854 previous combination of Lamenia caliginea (Stål, 1854)
Delphax concinna Stål, 1854 previous combination of Stobaera concinna (Stål, 1854)
Delphax granulinervis Stål, 1854 previous combination of Phyllodinus granulinervis (Stål, 1854)
Delphax obscuripennis Stål, 1854 previous combination of Canyra obscuripennis (Stål, 1854)
Delphax placida Stål, 1854 previous combination of Canyra placida (Stål, 1854)
Delphax pulchra Stål, 1854 synonym of Ilburnia ipomoeicola (Kirkaldy, 1907)
Delphax seminigra Stål, 1854 synonym of Delphacodes seminigra (Stål, 1854)
Elasmoscelis fuscofasciata Stål, 1854 previous combination of Lacusa fuscofasciata (Stål, 1854)
Elasmoscelis tagalica Stål, 1854 previous combination of Pitambara tagalica (Stål, 1854)
Enchophora bohemani Stål, 1854
Eupilis malaya (Stål, 1854) previous combination of Tempsa malaya (Stål, 1854)
Flata albata Stål, 1854 previous combination of Cerynia albata (Stål, 1854)
Flatoides mellerborgi Stål, 1854 previous combination of Ricanoptera mellerborgi (Stål, 1854)
Fulgora clavata ponderosa (Stål, 1854) previous combination of Laternaria clavata var. ponderosa (Stål, 1854)
Fulgora ponderosa (Stål, 1854) previous combination of Fulgora clavata ponderosa (Stål, 1854)
Gelastyra testudinaria (Stål, 1854) previous combination of Thabena testudinaria (Stål, 1854)
Hilda funesta (Stål, 1854) previous combination of Hilda (Hilda) funesta (Stål, 1854)
Hilda (Hilda) funesta (Stål, 1854) previous combination of Nototettigometra (Nototettigometra) funesta (Stål, 1854)
Hotinus ponderosus Stål, 1854 previous combination of Fulgora ponderosa (Stål, 1854)
Hysteropterum arctum Stål, 1854 previous combination of Acrisius arctus (Stål, 1854)
Hysteropterum vitripenne Stål, 1854 previous combination of Neaethus vitripennis (Stål, 1854)
Issus cinctifrons Stål, 1854
Issus cinctifrons Stål, 1854 previous combination of Thionia cinctifrons (Stål, 1854)
Issus cinctifrons Stål, 1854 synonym of Thionia rubrocostata (Spinola, 1839)
Issus malayus Stål, 1854 previous combination of Eupilis malaya (Stål, 1854)
Issus testudinarius Stål, 1854 previous combination of Gelastyra testudinaria (Stål, 1854)
Isthmia funesta (Stål, 1854) previous combination of Hilda funesta (Stål, 1854)
Lacusa fuscofasciata (Stål, 1854)
Lamenia caliginea (Stål, 1854)
Laternaria clavata var. ponderosa (Stål, 1854) synonym of Fulgora clavata Westwood, 1839
Livatis annulipes (Stål, 1854) previous combination of Ugyops annulipes (Stål, 1854)
Lystra exsiccatus Stål, 1854 previous combination of Calyptoproctus exsiccatus (Stål, 1854)
Neaethus vitripennis (Stål, 1854)
Nototettigometra (Nototettigometra) funesta (Stål, 1854)
Phlebopterum Stål, 1854
Phlebopterum praemorsum Stål, 1854 synonym of Phlebopterum solitum (Walker, 1851)
Phyllodinus granulinervis (Stål, 1854) previous combination of Cemus granulinervis (Stål, 1854)
Pitambara tagalica (Stål, 1854)
Platybrachys lanifera (Stål, 1854)
Poeciloptera cereris Stål, 1854 synonym of Cromna sinensis (Walker, 1851)
Poeciloptera limbellata Stål, 1854 previous combination of Arelate limbellata (Stål, 1854)
Poeciloptera vidua Stål, 1854 previous combination of Seliza vidua (Stål, 1854)
Ricania malaya Stål, 1854 synonym of Ricania speculum (Walker, 1851)
Ricania mellerborgi Stål, 1854 previous combination of Flatoides mellerborgi Stål, 1854
Ricania seria Stål, 1854 synonym of Privesa dubia (Walker, 1851)
Ricanoptera mellerborgi (Stål, 1854) synonym of Ricanoptera fenestrata (Fabricius, 1803)
Seliza vidua (Stål, 1854)
Stobaera concinna (Stål, 1854)
Tempsa malaya (Stål, 1854)
Tettigometra funesta Stål, 1854 previous combination of Isthmia funesta (Stål, 1854)
Thabena testudinaria (Stål, 1854)
Thionia cinctifrons (Stål, 1854) synonym of Thionia longipennis (Spinola, 1839)
Tropiduchus Stål, 1854
Tropiduchus sobrinus Stål, 1854
Ugyops annulipes (Stål, 1854)
Geographical distribution
Acrisius arctus (Stål, 1854)
Issus cinctifrons Stål, 1854
Neaethus vitripennis (Stål, 1854)
Nototettigometra (Nototettigometra) funesta (Stål, 1854)
Phlebopterum solitum (Walker, 1851)
Platybrachys lanifera (Stål, 1854)
Tempsa malaya (Stål, 1854)
Thabena testudinaria (Stål, 1854)
Thionia longipennis (Spinola, 1839)
Tropiduchus sobrinus Stål, 1854