Alisca Stål, 1870 previous combination of Alisca Stål, 1870 |
Alisca Stål, 1870 |
Alisca circumpicta Stål, 1870 |
Andes undulatus Stål, 1870 |
Aphaenina rugulosa (Stål, 1870) previous combination of Penthicodes (Ereosoma) rugulosa (Stål, 1870) |
Aphana farinosa aeruginea (Stål, 1870) previous rank of Penthicodes aeruginea (Stål, 1870) |
Aphana rugulosa Stål, 1870 previous combination of Aphaenina rugulosa (Stål, 1870) |
Armacia (Plestia) Stål, 1870 previous combination of Plestia Stål, 1870 |
Atracis consputa Stål, 1870 previous combination of Uxantis consputa (Stål, 1870) |
Augila Stål, 1870 previous combination of Augila Stål, 1870 |
Augila Stål, 1870 previous combination of Augila Stål, 1870 |
Augila Stål, 1870 previous combination of Augila Stål, 1870 |
Augila Stål, 1870 previous combination of Augila Stål, 1870 |
Augila Stål, 1870 previous combination of Augila Stål, 1870 |
Augila Stål, 1870 |
Augila sulciceps Stål, 1870 |
Benna rhyparoptera Stål, 1870 previous combination of Rhyobenna rhyparoptera (Stål, 1870) |
Bythopsyrna leucophaea (Stål, 1870) synonym of Bythopsyrna tineoides (Olivier, 1791) |
Catullia Stål, 1870 |
Catullia subtestacea Stål, 1870 |
Centromeria Stål, 1870 previous combination of Centromeria Stål, 1870 |
Centromeria Stål, 1870 |
Cerfennia Stål, 1870 |
Cerfennia philippina (Stål, 1870) |
Chalia amplipennis (Stål, 1870) |
Chalia sanguineovittata (Stål, 1870) |
Copsyrna leucophaea Stål, 1870 previous combination of Bythopsyrna tineoides (Olivier, 1791) |
Cyrene inermis Stål, 1870 previous combination of Tonga inermis (Stål, 1870) |
Cyrene mucronata Stål, 1870 previous combination of Tonga mucronata (Stål, 1870) |
Dichoptera guttulosa Stål, 1870 |
Dichoptera picticeps Stål, 1870 |
Dichoptera signifrons Stål, 1870 |
Egropa breviceps (Stål, 1870) |
Eupilis nigrinervis Stål, 1870 previous combination of Gabaloeca nigrinervis (Stål, 1870) |
Faventilla guttulata (Stål, 1870) |
Flata guttifascia Stål, 1870 previous combination of Lawana hyalina (Schmidt, 1904) |
Flatida rubescens (Stål, 1870) |
Flatida subguttata (Stål, 1870) |
Flatoides philippinus Stål, 1870 synonym of Cerfennia philippina (Stål, 1870) |
Frutis amplipennis Stål, 1870 previous combination of Chalia amplipennis (Stål, 1870) |
Frutis sanguineovittata Stål, 1870 previous combination of Chalia sanguineovittata (Stål, 1870) |
Fulgora aeruginosa Stål, 1870 previous combination of Laternaria aeruginosa (Stål, 1870) |
Fulgora aeruginosus Stål, 1870 previous combination of Pyrops aeruginosus (Stål, 1870) |
Fulgora lauta Stål, 1870 previous combination of Pyrops lautus (Stål, 1870) |
Fulgora lauta Stål, 1870 previous combination of Laternaria lauta (Stål, 1870) |
Fulgora philippina Stål, 1870 previous combination of Laternaria philippina (Stål, 1870) |
Fulgora philippina Stål, 1870 previous combination of Pyrops philippinus (Stål, 1870) |
Gabaloeca nigrinervis (Stål, 1870) |
Gergithus Stål, 1870 previous combination of Gergithus Stål, 1870 |
Gergithus Stål, 1870 |
Gergithus Stål, 1870 previous combination of Gergithus Stål, 1870 |
Gergithus Stål, 1870 previous name of Gergithus (Gergithus) Stål, 1870 |
Gergithus (Gergithus) Stål, 1870 previous combination of Gergithus (Gergithus) Stål, 1870 |
Gergithus (Gergithus) Stål, 1870 previous rank of Gergithus Stål, 1870 |
Hemisphaerius nitidus Stål, 1870 |
Hemisphaerius sexvittatus Stål, 1870 |
Hemisphaerius varicolor Stål, 1870 |
Hemisphaerius variegatus Stål, 1870 |
Hilda breviceps (Stål, 1870) previous combination of Egropa breviceps (Stål, 1870) |
Isthmia breviceps Stål, 1870 previous combination of Hilda breviceps (Stål, 1870) |
Kallitaxila granulata (Stål, 1870) |
Laternaria aeruginosa (Stål, 1870) previous combination of Fulgora aeruginosus Stål, 1870 |
Leurometopon latifrons (Muir, 1917) synonym of Peggia nitida (Stål, 1870) |
Leusaba philippina Stål, 1870 |
Lollius abdominalis Stål, 1870 |
Lollius australicus Stål, 1870 |
Lollius furcifer Stål, 1870 synonym of Lollius australicus Stål, 1870 |
Menosca Stål, 1870 |
Menosca discophora Stål, 1870 |
Menosca punctigera Stål, 1870 |
Mindana latifrons Muir, 1917 previous combination of Leurometopon latifrons (Muir, 1917) |
Mindura maculipennis Stål, 1870 |
Mindura subfasciata Stål, 1870 |
Miriza nigrovittata Stål, 1870 previous combination of Varcia nigrovittata (Stål, 1870) |
Mnemosyne philippina Stål, 1870 |
Nebrissa Stål, 1870 nomen praeoccupatum of Peggia Kirkaldy, 1901 |
Nebrissa nitida Stål, 1870 previous combination of Peggia nitida (Stål, 1870) |
Oliarus geniculatus Stål, 1870 |
Peggia nitida (Stål, 1870) |
Penthicodes aeruginea (Stål, 1870) previous rank of Penthicodes farinosa var. aeruginea (Stål, 1870) |
Penthicodes (Ereosoma) rugulosa (Stål, 1870) |
Penthicodes farinosa var. aeruginea (Stål, 1870) previous combination of Penthicodes (Penthicodes) farinosa aeruginea (Stål, 1870) |
Penthicodes (Penthicodes) farinosa aeruginea (Stål, 1870) |
Phromnia cingulata var. c Stål, 1870 synonym of Flatida cingulata Melichar, 1901 |
Phromnia rubescens Stål, 1870 previous combination of Flatida rubescens (Stål, 1870) |
Phromnia subguttata Stål, 1870 previous combination of Flatida subguttata (Stål, 1870) |
Phromnia subguttata var. c Stål, 1870 |
Plestia Stål, 1870 |
Plestia Stål, 1870 previous combination of Plestia Stål, 1870 |
Pochazia fasciatifrons (Stål, 1870) |
Pochazina sublobata (Stål, 1870) |
Pochazina subsinuata (Stål, 1870) |
Pyrops aeruginosus (Stål, 1870) |
Pyrops lautus (Stål, 1870) |
Pyrops philippinus (Stål, 1870) |
Rhyobenna rhyparoptera (Stål, 1870) |
Ricania fasciatifrons Stål, 1870 previous combination of Pochazia fasciatifrons (Stål, 1870) |
Ricania melaleuca Stål, 1870 previous combination of Ricanoptera melaleuca (Stål, 1870) |
Ricania signata Stål, 1870 previous combination of Ricanula signata (Stål, 1870) |
Ricania sublobata Stål, 1870 previous combination of Pochazina sublobata (Stål, 1870) |
Ricania subsinuata Stål, 1870 previous combination of Pochazina subsinuata (Stål, 1870) |
Ricania taeniata Stål, 1870 |
Ricanoptera melaleuca (Stål, 1870) |
Ricanula signata (Stål, 1870) |
Salurnis Stål, 1870 |
Salurnis Stål, 1870 previous combination of Salurnis Stål, 1870 |
Salurnis granulosa Stål, 1870 |
Sassula Stål, 1870 |
Sassula Stål, 1870 previous combination of Sassula Stål, 1870 |
Scalabis Stål, 1870 previous combination of Scalabis Stål, 1870 |
Scalabis Stål, 1870 |
Scalabis Stål, 1870 previous combination of Scalabis Stål, 1870 |
Scalabis philippina Stål, 1870 |
Scalabis tagalica Stål, 1870 |
Scamandra lydia Stål, 1870 |
Siscia Stål, 1870 |
Siscia nigrifrons Stål, 1870 |
Syrgis Stål, 1870 previous combination of Syrgis Stål, 1870 |
Syrgis Stål, 1870 |
Syrgis Stål, 1870 previous combination of Syrgis Stål, 1870 |
Taxila Stål, 1870 nomen praeoccupatum of Taxilana Melichar, 1914 |
Taxila Stål, 1870 nomen praeoccupatum of Kallitaxila Kirkaldy, 1901 |
Taxila granulata Stål, 1870 previous combination of Taxilana granulata Stål, 1870 |
Taxilana granulata Stål, 1870 previous combination of Kallitaxila granulata (Stål, 1870) |
Tetrica fusca Stål, 1870 |
Tetrica maculipennis Stål, 1870 |
Tetrica nubila Stål, 1870 |
Tetrica saucia Stål, 1870 |
Tetrica tricarinata Stål, 1870 |
Thracia westwoodi Stål, 1870 previous combination of Zoraida westwoodi (Stål, 1870) |
Tonga inermis (Stål, 1870) |
Tonga mucronata (Stål, 1870) |
Ugyops impictus Stål, 1870 |
Ugyops pictifrons Stål, 1870 |
Uxantis Stål, 1870 |
Uxantis consputa (Stål, 1870) |
Uxantis siccifolia (Stål, 1870) |
Varcia Stål, 1870 previous combination of Varcia Stål, 1870 |
Varcia Stål, 1870 |
Varcia nigrovittata (Stål, 1870) |
Vindilis Stål, 1870 previous combination of Vindilis Stål, 1870 |
Vindilis Stål, 1870 previous combination of Vindilis Stål, 1870 |
Vindilis Stål, 1870 previous combination of Vindilis Stål, 1870 |
Vindilis Stål, 1870 |
Vindilis Stål, 1870 previous combination of Vindilis Stål, 1870 |
Vindilis Stål, 1870 previous combination of Vindilis Stål, 1870 |
Vindilis fornicata Stål, 1870 |
Virgilia Stål, 1870 |
Virgilia nigropicta Stål, 1870 |
Zoraida westwoodi (Stål, 1870) |